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Plasmid Preparation

Plasmid preparation is the process of isolating and purifying plasmid DNA from bacterial cells for further use, such as cloning or sequencing. It typically involves bacterial cell lysis, followed by the separation of plasmid DNA from chromosomal DNA and other cellular components using chemical or mechanical methods.

Automation of Plasmid Preparation

Automating plasmid preparation involves using specialized technologies and systems to streamline the process:

Automate Plasmid Preparation with Opentrons:

Interested in automating the washing and transfer steps in your lab’s plasmid prep workflows? Enter the Opentrons Flex, a walk up, no-code pipetting robot that scales with your lab. Let us handle the pipetting while you spend more time on science.

Looking to Automate Plasmid Preparation?

Benefits of Automation Over Manual Methods

Resource Spotlights

Learn more about how our customers have leveraged Opentrons to automate plasmid preparation

Methods of Plasmid Preparation

Alkaline Lysis (SDS Method)

Bacterial cells are lysed with an alkaline solution and SDS, separating plasmid DNA from genomic DNA, which is then precipitated.

Alkaline Lysis with Column Purification

After alkaline lysis, plasmid DNA is purified using a silica-based column to remove contaminants, then eluted for use.

Miniprep (Small-Scale)

A small-scale plasmid extraction using alkaline lysis and column purification, providing enough DNA for routine applications like cloning or PCR.

Maxiprep (Large-Scale)

A large-scale plasmid preparation method that uses alkaline lysis and column purification to yield large amounts of high-purity plasmid DNA.

Plasmid Preparation has never been easier

Discover the next generation of automation with the Opentrons Flex and OT-2. Accessible, flexible lab automation that conforms to your needs


Want to know more?

Our team of experts can help figure out if automation is right for you. Book a virtual demo to discuss your workflow needs with an expert.