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Please Join us for our
First Opentrons New England User Group Meeting!

Connect, share your scientific experiences, and discuss how Opentrons has enhanced your workflows. We’ll also introduce OpentronsAI, build a protocol using it, and run the protocol on the Flex during our lunch session to kick off the day!

Calendar 1


August 7th
12-5pm EST

Pin 1


AC Hotel by Marriott Boston Cambridge
10 Acorn Park Drive, Cambridge, MA 02140

Reserve your Tickets

How are you Automating with Opentrons?

Users will have the opportunity to present their work to the group in a 10-15 minute talk. 

  • •Insights into why they chose Opentrons
  • •The industry and application(s) they’re supporting
  • •Any roadblocks they’ve encountered while using their robot
  • •What they’d like to see in the future at Opentrons


Expert Insights

Mini panel discussions will be held throughout the afternoon to foster insights into commonly automated applications, bespoke integration solutions, and future-proofing your lab.


Reserve your ticket

Join us in Cambridge on August 7th

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