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Partner Spotlight: QIAGEN NGS

Making improvements in life possible

QIAGEN® serves more than 500,000 customers globally, all seeking answers from the building blocks of life – DNA, RNA and proteins. The company delivers Sample to Insight® solutions for molecular testing, propelling their customers from start to finish to unlock new insights. This is how they make improvements in life possible.

Opentrons x QIAGEN NGS

Opentrons and QIAGEN are partnering to automate the QIAseq® kits for efficient and reproducible NGS library preparation and normalization.

img qiagen workflow 1

Ultra-efficient automated whole genome sequencing

A library prep workflow using QIAseq FX DNA Library Kit and QIAseq Normalizer Kit on the Opentrons Flex


Opentrons Flex: Flexible automation for NGS

Platform overview and application data from NGS library prep, nucleic acid extraction and bead-based protein purification


*Verification categories
Opentrons = has been verified by the Opentrons Team, who verify that the scientific results are as expected.
Partner = has been verified by our reagent partner, who verifies that the scientific results are as expected
Community = protocol is in use by members of the Opentrons community.


Want to know more?

Our team of experts can help figure out if automation is right for you. Book a virtual demo to discuss your workflow needs with an expert.