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Accelerating Drug Discovery with Automation and A.I.

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UTMB is pioneering a new and emerging field: Automated science. Join Peter McCaffrey, MD, MS, FCAP at the Single Cell Lab & Sanja Sever, PhD at the Sealey Institute for Drug Discovery and learn how lab automation, like using the Opentrons Flex, can help innovate the development vaccines and drug therapies.


The robot may do it faster, but it’s the fact that you don’t have to do it. There’s actually value in this along with the fact that it’s done the same way every time. It reduces your cognitive load, as in your risk of always having to finesse everything the same way while freeing you up to do something else. If you’re not having to do it, you can do other things at the same time. To us, it’s not having that burden. ”

– Peter McCaffrey

Embracing the future

Unlimited possibilities for innovation

Robot Head

Unleash the power of A.I.

Our robust, open-source documentation makes it possible to use A.I. to create and refine protocols.


Modular configurations

Swap your modules, pipettes, labware, and protocols. Never locked down, always limitless.


Less errors, more walkaway

Make your science consistent and reliable. Automation that’s accurate, repeatable and scalable.

Time Saver

More science, faster

Automation can help shrink the path from research to discovery and double your success rates.

Artificial intelligence

Opentrons robots run on an open-source software with robust documentation that make them uniquely capable of using large language models to generate protocols.

Automation unlocks discovery

Automating your lab can free your mind and your time to focus on what you do best, your science.