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Exome Sequencing

Exome sequencing is a technique that focuses on sequencing the exonic regions of the genome, which encode proteins and account for most disease-related genetic variants. It is a cost-effective method used to identify mutations linked to various genetic disorders and diseases.

Automation of Exome Sequencing

Automating exome sequencing involves using specialized technologies and systems to streamline the process:

Automate Exome Sequencing with Opentrons:

Interested in automating your lab’s sample and library prep processes? Enter the Opentrons Flex, a walk up, no-code pipetting robot that scales with your lab. Let us handle the pipetting while you spend more time on science.

Looking to Automate Exome Sequencing?

Benefits of Automation Over Manual Methods

Resource Spotlights

Learn more about how our customers have leveraged Opentrons to automate exome sequencing

Methods of Exome Sequencing

Capture-Based Exome Sequencing

This is the most common method for exome sequencing, using hybridization techniques to selectively capture the exonic regions. DNA is fragmented, and capture probes (oligonucleotides complementary to the exonic regions) are used to bind and isolate these regions. The captured DNA is then sequenced.

PCR-Based Exome Sequencing

This method uses polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to selectively amplify the exonic regions of interest before sequencing. Specific primers are designed for each exonic region to amplify them, and then the amplified regions are sequenced.

Targeted Exome Sequencing (Amplicon Sequencing)

This method focuses on sequencing specific exonic regions of interest using targeted primers. DNA is amplified using primers that target specific exonic regions, and then sequencing is performed on those targeted regions.

Exome Sequencing Using Long-Read Technologies

Long DNA fragments are sequenced to directly capture and analyze exonic regions. Longer read lengths can improve accuracy in identifying complex variants, structural variants, and phasing of mutations.

Exome Sequencing has never been easier

Discover the next generation of automation with the Opentrons Flex and OT-2. Accessible, flexible lab automation that conforms to your needs


Want to know more?

Our team of experts can help figure out if automation is right for you. Book a virtual demo to discuss your workflow needs with an expert.