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We have released our next software update: 3.20.0. This update includes bug fixes and features including:
Full information about this update is available on GitHub. The post below is a user-friendly summary of those changes.
Labware Calibration Offsets
When you upload a protocol, the Opentrons App will now display calibration offsets of labware used in your protocol on the “File Info” page alongside the required labware, pipettes, and modules. In addition, the “Calibration” page will display your labware calibration offsets in real time as you calibrate them. Calibration offset data from both current and previous calibration sessions will be displayed, in addition to labware that has not yet been calibrated. Should you need additional information, please reference these support documents:
API Version 2.6 and Increased Flow Rates for GEN2 Single Pipettes
You may now specify API Level 2.6 for your Python protocols. If you do not specify API Level 2.6 – particularly for protocols written for software versions 3.19.0 and previous – the behavior of your pipettes will not change.
This change is based on enhanced factory pipette qualification testing. Based on that testing, Opentrons Pipettes GEN2 Single-Channel may be used at these higher flow-rates with the same CV and %D as the lower flow-rates. To avoid breaking your already-written protocols, the change only occurs on Python protocols using Python Protocol API Version 2.6 that do not manually set flow rates. Python protocols specifying other API versions, Python protocols specifying API Version 2.6 that manually set flow rates, and protocols created with Protocol Designer will have the same flow rates as before the update. Should you need additional information, please reference this FAQ:
USB Connection Stability and WiFi MAC Address Stability
Robot software 3.20.0 comes with two important networking fixes:
Downgrading to 3.19.0
Lastly, it is important to consider when to downgrade your Opentrons App version from 3.20.0 to a previous build like 3.19.0. If you would like to downgrade, you must remove the configuration files for your installed Opentrons App; if not, the Opentrons App will not start after the downgrade. Should you need additional information, please reference this support guide: