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Operating a Small-Scale Liquid Handler in a Large-Scale Core Facility

A novel, fully automated and reagent-agnostic transient transfection protocol

Flex or OT-2? Choosing the right automation platform for your workflows

Opentrons Mass Balance Integration and Developing a Proxy High-Throughput Viscometer


Flexible automation of DNA assembly with OT-2 lab robots and DIVA… Read More

Mastering Opentrons Flex, Python and HTTP API Webinar

Can you use ChatGPT to write automated lab protocols? Should you? Webinar

Introducing the Opentrons Flex: Software Edition Webinar

Automate Luciferase Reporter Assays with the Opentrons OT-2 Robot Webinar

Automating mammalian cell culture: best practices, pitfalls, tips, and tricks Webinar

The Monomer Bio team will discuss methodologies for building fully-automated cell culture workcells leveraging the OT-2 in conjunction with other off-the-shelf instrumentation and the Monomer software platform. We will review hardware configuration strategies, execution of multi-day, continuous culture protocols, and general best practices for automated cell culture. Read More