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3D Printing Directory

Documentation & Manuals

Here’s a directory of customized open-source 3D printed labware and accessories for the OT-2.

Opentrons believes every scientist should have access to the tools they need for their research – it’s why all of our software and hardware is open-source.

It’s also why many researchers have created customized 3D printed labware and accessories for the OT-2.

These are the ones that have best helped other customers. As we find more, we’ll update this list.

NOTE: We embrace these tools but cannot endorse or validate their efficacy or compatibility with the Opentrons Labware Library

If you would like to add any of these added to our Labware Library, or you need to add other custom labware, please fill out this form.

Before You Begin

The following files are for 3D printing Opentrons hardware. As with all 3D printing, there are cautions to consider. Dimensions may vary depending on the 3D printer, scaling and modifications may be necessary to ensure an ideal fit.

If you are completely new to 3D printing labware, this NIH article is a good place to start.

3D Printer Files


If you are looking for more 3D printing files for hardware, please review this GitHub directory created by Opentrons’ Henry Wuwong.


Custom Tools

Again, if you would like to add any of these tools added to our Labware Library, or you need to add other custom labware, please fill out this form.