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Frequently Asked Questions

For FAQs about the Opentrons Flex, OT-2 and other products, click here.

Yes, Flex pipettes include pressure sensors for detecting liquid height. These sensors are contained within the A1 and H12 channels on the 96-channel pipette, and the outermost channels on the 8-channel pipette (1 & 8).

Yes, this process is now guided by the on deck touchscreen display. Through these improvements, it is easier to load/unload the pipettes with better alignment.

The Opentrons Flex 8-channel and 96-channel pipettes will aspirate and dispense the same volume with all channels at the same time. Volume is not independently controlled across channels.

OT-2 pipettes and OT-2 pipette tips are not compatible with the Opentrons Flex. The OT-2 pipette nose cone and Flex pipette nose cones are constructed differently, preventing cross-compatibility. OT-2 tip boxes/refills are also not compatible with the Flex.

Opentrons can only guarantee performance of the Flex when using our Flex pipette tips.

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