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Partner Spotlight: QIAGEN Forensics

Making improvements in life possible

QIAGEN® serves more than 500,000 customers globally, all seeking answers from the building blocks of life – DNA, RNA and proteins. The company delivers Sample to Insight® solutions for molecular testing, propelling their customers from start to finish to unlock new insights. This is how they make improvements in life possible.

Opentrons x QIAGEN Forensics

Opentrons and QIAGEN Forensics are partnering to automate the ForenSeq® library prep kits on the Opentrons PrepStation as part of the QIAGEN next generation sequencing human identification workflow. QIAGEN recommends the PrepStation to users looking to simplify or optimize their library prep workflows.


Automate your next generation sequencing human identification workflow

OT 2 webinar

The PrepStation enables semi-automated preparation of the ForenSeq library preparation kit portfolio. The platform includes a fully configured deck layout and custom ancillary equipment suitable for a range of genomic biomarkers, sample types, and DNA input amounts. Pre-programmed protocols are accessible via a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) for easy setup and operation. The PrepStation web application enables seamless communication across the PrepStation, MiSeq FGx Sequencing System, and the Universal Analysis Software, depending on networking requirements and conditions.

Key Features

Getting Started

Optimized for ForenSeq Assays

Automated library prep system validated for current and future ForenSeq assays to produce high-quality libraries. Highly reproducible results across operators and within and between instruments.

Getting Started

More Degrees of Freedom

Flexibility to process a broad range of sample batch sizes. Semi-automated library preparation releases laboratory staff from manual pipetting steps to perform other tasks.

Getting Started

Easy to Adopt

Plug-and-play system design and out-of-the-box protocols for ForenSeq kits enable NGS adoption without extensive investment in automation development. High-quality, SWGDAM-aligned validation and implementation services are available to bring automated capabilities online faster.

Webinar: Introducing the PrepStation

Learn more about cost-effective automation for ForenSeq workflows. This presentation covers the configuration and layout of the PrepStation along with compatible library preparation kits, and the results of studies comparing manual and automated workflows, and functional studies demonstrating that the platform meets validation requirements for implementation in operational forensic laboratories.


PrepStation Datasheet

Specifications, compatible Forenseq workflows and deck layouts for the PrepStation

Tech Note

PrepStation Technical Note

Application data summarizing the high quality of ForenSeq libraries generated with the PrepStation



Want to know more?

Connect with QIAGEN to discuss your workflow needs.