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Let’s Plug-and-Play: Discover the New Opentrons Protocol Library

An automated end-to-end plasmid sequencing workflow for up to 1536 libraries in ~24 hours

Opentrons Flex Tips Brochure

Flex MagBead Protein Purification Workstation Brochure

Flex PCR Workstation Brochure

Flex Nucleic Acid Extraction Workstation Brochure

Flex NGS Workstation Brochure

Automating nucleic acid extraction on the Opentrons Flex

Introduction to the Opentrons Flex

The Opentrons Flex is a new generation of affordable and easy-to-program liquid-handling lab robot designed to bring advanced lab automation to more researchers than ever before. Read More

Opentrons Protocol Designer: How to Write a Protocol

A step-by-step instructional video on how to write a basic protocol for your Opentrons Robot in Protocol Designer. Read More