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The app says my protocol has no steps

Outdated OT-2 robot software may inaccurately identify some protocols as empty. Update both your Opentrons App and robot software to the latest version to resolve this issue. Read More

SmoothieError: What is it and how do I fix it?

A SmoothieError is how the OT-2 reports something that went wrong with a motor controller command. It is usually a symptom of an underlying mechanical or electrical problem. Read More

SmoothieError: Homing fail

A homing fail occurs when the limit switch was unexpectedly not hit while the OT-2 was homing. Homing fails usually happen if a) you’re using different hardware with a different axis length or b) the axis is stuck or skipping during the home. Read More

SmoothieError: Hard limit

A hard limit occurs when a limit switch was unexpectedly hit while the OT-2 was not homing. Essentially, it is when an endstop triggers when it is not supposed to (e.g. outside of a home). The error message will mention the axis that failed, like “hard limit +X.”… Read More

Retrieving system information

This article describes how to obtain the information required to troubleshoot connection issues on a Windows 10 machine. Read More

Resolving a “Bad deck calibration data detected! This robot is likely to experience a crash” error

Encountering this error on your OT-2 prevents protocol uploads and runs. Resolve it by updating the Opentrons App and OT-2 robot software to the latest version and calibrating the deck. Read More

Replacing the white pipette ribbon cable

Occasionally, the white ribbon cable connecting to the pipettes may get damaged and need replacement. Follow these instructions to remove the current ribbon cable from the OT-2 and attach the replacement. Read More

Replacing the Raspberry Pi 3B on the OT-2

In cases where the Raspberry Pi’s operating system or data becomes corrupted, and reformatting or reinstalling doesn’t resolve the issue, replacing the unit might be necessary to restore proper functionality. Read More

Replacing the OT-2’s tip probe switches

The tip probe switch is an essential component for calibrating your robot. Follow this brief guide to replace the electronic switch board if needed. Read More

Replacing the OT-2’s SD card

If the OT-2’s SD card becomes corrupted and reformatting or reflashing doesn’t resolve the issue, a replacement may be needed. Corruption can occur due to various reasons, including power failures during write operations. Read More