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Support Articles

Connecting the OT-2R to a router

The OT-2R electronics are designed for Ethernet connectivity, without the internal USB-to-Ethernet converter found in the OT-2. As a result,…

Support Articles

Which tips should be used for calibration?

Opentrons strongly recommends using Opentrons tips. Opentrons pipette nozzles have specific geometry that work best with…

Support Articles

Use different tips to calibrate your OT-2

Deck and pipette offset calibration are normally completed using Opentrons OT-2 Tips (non-filtered), but Opentrons OT-2 Filter Tips can be…

Support Articles

Recalibrating tip length before running a protocol

This article provides instructions on recalibrating your pipette’s tip length and pipette offset before running a protocol in the event…

Support Articles

How positional calibration works on the OT-2

The OT-2 moves pipettes around in 3D space. To do that accurately and precisely, it needs to be calibrated. This article…

Support Articles

How Labware Offsets work on the OT-2

This article describes how Labware Offset data is utilized during the Labware Position Check workflow when running a protocol on…

Support Articles

Check your OT-2’s calibration health

Running a Calibration Health Check through the Opentrons App can help ensure your OT-2’s positional calibration…

Support Articles

Write and simulate protocols on Windows 10

There are quite a few ways to write and simulate Opentrons Python protocols on your computer, but installing and using…

Support Articles

What are dead volumes, and how do I reduce them?

Dead volume refers to the residual volume of liquid left in the well or lost to waste that cannot be…

Support Articles

Using modules of the same type on the OT-2

This article provides detailed guidance on incorporating multiple modules of the same type within Python API protocols, which enable the…

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