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Pre-wet tip

In Protocol Designer, the pre-wet tip setting allows you to aspirate and dispense once in the source well before aspirating…

Support Articles


In Protocol Designer, insert a Pause step to halt the robot during a run. Specify whether it should automatically resume…

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In Protocol Designer, there are several options, or paths, for how to control the robot’s movement between wells, including single…

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Mix (setting)

In Protocol Designer, the mix setting performs a mixing action either before an aspirate or after a dispense within a…

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Mix (step)

In Protocol Designer, the Mix step involves the robot pipetting up and down within a well without transferring liquid to…

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Managing steps

In Protocol Designer, you have the ability to name, duplicate, reorder, and delete steps for enhanced protocol customization.

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Magnetic Module steps

In Protocol Designer, Magnetic Module steps enable you to toggle between engaged and disengaged states as you build your protocol.

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In Protocol Designer, specifying the liquids in your protocol enables you to monitor well contents at every step and receive…

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Labware and module compatibility

In Protocol Designer, labware compatibility is categorized into three tiers: Recommended, Compatible, and Incompatible.

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In Protocol Designer, you can interact with labware by nicknaming, moving, or deleting it. Note that it’s not possible to…

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